افتتاح مركز الدراسات والأبحاث أبرهام زغوري حول القانون العبري بالمغرب

27 فبراير 2018 18:47
افتتاح مركز الدراسات والأبحاث أبرهام زغوري حول القانون العبري بالمغرب

هوية بريس – متابعة

قال المستشار الملكي، أندري أزولاي، يوم السبت بالصويرة، إن افتتاح مركز الدراسات والأبحاث أبرهام زغوري حول القانون العبري بالمغرب، يأتي ليعزز مرة أخرى مكانة الصويرة باعتبارها “فضاء لكل الممكنات ومقاومة النسيان”.

وأضاف الرئيس المؤسس لجمعية الصويرة موغادور، خلال اللقاء الافتتاحي لهذا المركز، أن هذه “المبادرة غير المسبوقة تأتي تتويجا لهذا الالتزام الجدي وهذا العزم المتجدد الذي يحدونا لمواجهة النسيان والتراجع والقطيعة والنكران”، قائلا “إننا نسير في هذا المسار منذ عقود بالمغرب بشكل عام وبالصويرة على وجه الخصوص”.

آخر اﻷخبار
6 تعليقات
  1. Liberation of Jerusalem from Arab and Islamic colonialism to be eternal capital of Israel
    Depends on the release of my genes and Jewish identity, legal and personal from the Moroccan state and the Arab and Islamic countries
    Complaint N 94/2017 Lawyers in Casablanca Concerning conspiracy and violation of the ethics of the profession
    On 29/06/2017, which coincided with the anniversary of the founding of the World Congress of Jews
    Against the lawyer who was appointed to defend me before the Hebrew Chamber
    To define the Jewish, legal and personal identity
    The Descendant of King David Dynasty, Who Ruled Jerusalem, on behalf of the Jewish people from a thousand cyme BC
    To the congress of the world Jews
    And to the support committee of the American president Mr. Trump
    And to Israeli electronic and written journalists
    Believe it or not

  2. Image to my mother Mrs Zahra daughter of Bouchaib Ben Bozakari, who grew in 1917
    According to information reached by recent reports that the Bozakari family was one of the largest Jewish families in Morocco, and not only in Casablanca
    Why were they persecuting my mother without the others
    Here I knew why everyone hides the truth when I ran away from the hell of Safi immediately after my success in the primary school certificate
    Here I knew why all the members of the family my mother were against me, when I was young man not to install in Casablanca
    Here I knew how was inaugurated the tuteure and I in prison insulted the Moroccan holy places in 2007


  3. Together for the liberation of Israel from Arab and Islamic colonization
    In response to the statement of the State Foreign Ministry called Balustein
    As for the situation in Jerusalem, feeding on the grounds that history and law confirms the legitimacy of the Jews on the Temple that was built by my ancestors of their own money
    I just want the world to answer my question
    Who is the ancient historical and religious and legal
    The temple that built by my ancestors or the dome, which was built on the temple
    Ladies and gentlemen
    The only solution to end the artificial conflict between Jews and Arabs and Islamists
    Achieving lasting and comprehensive peace
    The granting of autonomy to Blstein

  4. And give them the same privileges as the Jews
    And the separation of the dome on temple
    Because my genes belong to the dynasty of King David, who ruled Jerusalem on behalf of the Jewish people of a thousand years BC
    On the ground that the biological identity that defines the legal identity that embodies the person’s personal identity – male or female –
    In accordance with the principles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Paris Principles approved by the United Nations

  5. Because biological mention and phenotype of blood group
    Which determines the biological identity of the person from father to grandfather
    According to the science of genetics and Jewish genealogy
    Blood group / O +
    Phenotype / CCDee
    Mention Biological / K-


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